Review Copenhell 2019

Artikelbild Review Copenhell 2019

Copenhell – there is no other better place to feel the Scandinavian spirit, warrior or not, during an festival, combined with music from all over the world, with amazing people from far far away, all gathered, togheter, here, on this patch of land, in Copenhagen, Denmark.

Review Copenhell 2019

Foto Copenhell 2019

As soon as you walk through the festival gates, you will feel empathy around you, embracing you. You are not alone, you are no longer alone. And like that, it is easy to make friends. Or to meet the old ones. Like in the old times when all became brothers and sisters in less then few seconds, knowing that on the path to the hell, the unity, the familly, the friendship, made them stronger.

The Familly

Foto Copenhell 2019

You can live that feeling, nowadays, right here, at Copenhell.
That is all about after all, The Familly. The Scandinavian one.
Without wanting to, without knowing to, the viking spirit will embrace you. Deep down to the bone marrow.

The Land

Foto Copenhell 2019

The organizers made incredible efeorts to give to all 25 k participants, a unforgetable experience, comming from all 3 stages called Helviti, Hades and Pandemonium, from the food and beer tents, from the little skate park, and from the „smashing cars colliseum“ where the team work make the difference.
Ahh, and I shouldnt forget about the „chill trip“ to the Udgård, the small viking village. Incrediblie quiet place, the small cozy village, somehow unreal, very atmosferichal, just few steps away from the hustle and madness bustle can carry you to other times.

The Festival

Foto Copenhell 2019

From 19 to 22 June, tasting the live experience included a line-up with:

Slash featuring Myles Kennedy and the Conspirators
Lamb of God
Dimmu Borgir
Stone Temple Pilots
Amon Amarth
Pretty Maids
Rob Zombie
Glenn Hughes
Living Color
Demons & Wizards
Orange Goblin
Fever 333
Eagles of Death Metal
Like a Storm
Demon Head
The Psyke Project
and more…


The Magic

Foto Copenhell 2019

And when you will leave, from this land, there is no chance of ever forgetting it. The memorries, which been created here, like magic, will haunting you over the years.

The Next Year

For 2020, Copenhell have the dates already, 17 – 20 June and since it’s going to be SOLD OUT so fast, I advised you to buy your ticket a while in advance.
If you have questions, ask on the official website there’s always a nice guy helping you.
Also, you are welcome to jon, on Facebook, to the group – The Copenhell Family (Official) The Copenhell Family (Official)

Like always, See You In HELL!


More infos about the festival on the official Copenhell homepage.

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